FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Fire Belly Newt!!
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Old 02-26-2015, 06:44 AM   #1
Talking Fire Belly Newt!!

Hey guys!

I am getting a Chinese fire belly newt! (Cynops orientalis) eft. I know they live primarily terrestrial thought most of their juvenile life so I was wondering if anyone knew any other pointers for setting up their tank. I wanted to have maybe two or three inches of water on 1/4 of the tank but am now maybe thinking that may be too much?!

I have a ten gallon aquarium and will be getting two newts.

Also, which live plant species would be best to put in the tank?
And what should I feed them as efts? I have frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp already but I would like to give them a live option like a worm or something.

Thank you!!