FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Mike Matson of Mike's Phat Frog is a scammer !!
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Old 07-12-2015, 09:10 AM   #73
Originally Posted by LauraB View Post
Yep, seen it a hundred times here. Good guys gone wild, lol.

Mike, you were 2 months behind your warehouse rent, still promising money for frogs? And then use that as an excuse? Your multiple exes are the cause for multiple accounts? Your ex and whatever domestic stuff you know well in advance is another excuse? That stuff just doesn't suddenly pop up out of the blue.

You got the frogs, you owe the money, not excuses. Bottom line.

Even better than that (take note Elexis Ortiz/Craig ... and again, puleeze resize your photo attachments). Mike claimed he innocently brought tiny animals back to the US in a backpack from Australia, bragged about it and then told the OP he'd tell him how to do the same but only on the phone.

Love the little winks, Mike. Gotta love a smuggler/bragger who's so obvious and oblivious at the same time

Yeah, that's a good guy.
I never saw anything about that. And what is your obsession with resizing photos? It's cell phone screen shots I should not have to resize them.

Also I'm sure you hold Tom Crutchfield on a pedestal like so many do, other big time guys have smuggled too. I'm NOT saying it's right, but people still respect those guys, thousands of people. I have never heard of Mike smuggling, ever. People wouldn't have half the animals they do if they weren't smuggled out of another country, but no one complains when they buy that bearded dragon or other reptiles. Again NOT defending it just saying it seems it's only a problem when people want it to be. I personally don't like it, animals usually suffer and when caught it's another black eye for the community. But again I have NEVER heard anyone say Mike smuggled animals except for you're comment here.