FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Eddie Markward
Thread: Info Eddie Markward
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Old 09-22-2015, 05:48 PM   #99
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
A suggestion.

Eddie manned up about his failure here. That is a good first step.
Whatever the cause, (and he may have civil or criminal liability, depending on the cause) he still needs to make good, and we as a community need to hear some sort of assurance that further critters will not be harmed.

I checked out Eddie's fb page and he has a lot of friends, and a good number are well known and respected in the herp community.
Perhaps those friends could come forward, either here or privately to Charlene, with Eddie in agreement, and each offer a gift of one of their critters to help make all of this right with Charlene.

There were many missing critters and many starving of the ones that were picked up.
Charlene deserves to be made whole, and Eddie may not be able to do that all at once. If his friends help, that will spread the burden around, Charlene can move forward with her projects, and Eddie can either owe them unless they were willing to make it a gift to him also.

He hopefully will be able to quickly manage the repayment of the cash he took from Charlene for services not rendered as I'm sure there are considerable unplanned expenses to Charlene from suddenly getting her collection back.

These gifts would not stop with assistance to both Charlene and Eddie of a donated critter, hopefully his friends would keep in touch with oversight being both a gift of friendship to him, and a protection of future critters of his in the future.
While this is a good idea, and would be very generous of his friends, part of the problem with that is that some of his friends have turned on him. Not everyone on your FB list is truly a friend. Which is sad to see.

I have every confidence that Eddie will keep to this word and make it right. I just hope that the peanut gallery shuts down and allows the two parties directly involved to handle this themselves. Good luck.