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Thread: Bee keeping
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Old 09-24-2015, 10:55 PM   #5
Mine settled down in less than a week.
This bee keeping thing is kind of like playing chess...well ok maybe checkers.
They do one thing you counter with another.
You do one thing they do another.

I've had my Cham for maybe 6 plus years. He is really cool,takes a bit of attention but it's consistent.
I'm a rookie beek and so far I have not yet found any consistency with them.
Maybe it's just that I don't see it yet.
They act different when there is lots of pollen.
They even steal/rob when there is not enough...kind of going through that right now.
I'm about to do some mods to my hives to deal with this and a couple other things.
Love to post some pics or a vid of an inspection after I do the mods.