FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Need some advice on a situation involving Alea Rodriguez.
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Old 12-01-2015, 02:21 PM   #48
Originally Posted by meowmeowkazoo View Post
Agree. This has turned into a really awkward public cat fight that isn't making either of you look good.
I just wanted advice. And by the look of that last message it seemed she relinquished ownership, but I wanted clarification. I wanted civil conversation not what this has been turned into. Again I do NOT want her snakes, all I want is now that I'm no longer taking care of snakes for a friend but now boarding them for someone till she can get them back is some compensation, I fail to see how that makes me a bad person.

If any of you were threatened to have your "life ruined" over something you weren't going to do for no reason I'm sure you all wouldn't be as understanding as you are now. I had no problem taking them in. I told her to send them to me so she knew they were taken care of till she could get them back. And I have every intention of sending them back. Several have offered to buy them but I won't sell unless she clearly states she doesn't want them, which is obvious won't happen. So the only person they'd be going to is her.

When she's ready to speak civilly I'll be there to listen and talk like I wanted to in the first place. Now I have to pick up my son from school, have a good day everyone.