FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 'Tis the season!
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Old 12-01-2015, 06:09 PM   #17
Thanks Cliff.

The season continues. The males are out for a rest and everyone ate a small meal yesterday. Looks like we'll probably have four litters.

Lilly (pair 1 female) is doing well. Two more doses of her antibiotic and then a follow-up visit with the veterinarian. She's getting bigger. Hopefully those are babies and not slugs, but we'll see what comes of it. Motley has been depositing sperm plugs and tearing up his enclosure. Not too happy about being pulled early, but thankfully he avoided the infection.

Pair 2 hasn't been doing much lately. Poe is pretty large, so hopefully we'll get some snows and moonglows. Been awesome to watch these guys this year. Wish I'd be able to see if any of his babies have nice pink sides, because I'm a sucker for Corals, but since they're both anery that will have to wait until next time he breeds.

Pair 3 is the least likely to produce this season. There's courtship, but it's infrequent and she doesn't appear swollen at all. We'll see what happens. Maybe they're late starters or maybe they'll wait until next year.

Pair 4 is incredible. Sarah is my largest female, and at the moment she's more than double her usual girth. Robin has been pretty protective of her and is almost always curled up around her.

Pair 5 is doing pretty well. Mary is definitely swollen and Dampe is almost always trying to do his business. Hopefully they'll have some little ones in the near future.

In a couple more weeks I'll have those pictures of the swollen females, as long as none of them eat the camera. If I'm lucky I might have some estimated due dates as well. Good luck everybody!