FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - what would you do in this situation?
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Old 02-20-2016, 01:37 AM   #11
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
If you read the BOI, a nonrefundable deposit followed by a back out is not unheard of. A TOS is a good thing to have, but if you look at those BOIs, many times opinion is swayed by the reason the buyer backed out.

If the buyer just decided they liked another animal from another vendor better, that is one thing; keep the deposit and don't give it another thought;
on the other hand, if the buyer suddenly became unemployed, or his work vehicle broke down, or his house burned down, readers sometimes are in favor of a refund simply because of need, and sometimes will mention that doing so makes a friend who may well buy again once the disaster has been dealt with.
Heck, I remember an incident a long while back where someone placed a deposit on some animals from me and then later on someone claiming to be his brother contacted me and wanted a refund. Claimed that the original purchaser (his brother) had been severely injured and needed the money for medical bills. So of course I refunded the money to him. A few days later I saw the original purchaser posting on a website about the different types of animals he had just purchased from someone else. The internet was a much smaller world back then.

Yeah, giving back a refund for humanitarian and plausible reasons all sounds good in theory, but the fact of the matter is that apparently many people will tell you any lie they think you will believe in order for them to get what they want from you. It surprises me not in the least that some people will get hard nosed about their terms of service after a few incidents such as I mentioned above, and stick to the letter of that implied contract. For good reason, in my opinion. Being in business is tough. Getting taken advantage of in business makes it even tougher.