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Old 04-30-2016, 07:15 AM   #1
Question about breeding and antibiotics

Hi All!

I recently purchased a Black Rat Snake with the intention of breeding her to my male. The snake I purchased was woken from brumation and shipped to me, but when I received her, she had RI (which is a whole other thread on the BOI).

In any case, I had to give her antibiotics for 36 days. She finally cleared up and is doing well, but I am concerned about trying to breed her. My concerns can be broken down into 2 questions:

1) Will the antibiotics have affected the ovum in any way? Is it safe to breed a snake that had do take an extended course of antibiotics?

2) I usually breed my snakes during the first 2 weeks after they have had their post-brumation shed, but since she was sick and on antibiotics I didn't. Now, 6 weeks after the post-burmation shed, is it too late to breed her? Will she have re-absorbed her ovum at this point?

She is healthy and a good weight for breeding (765 g), and I would really like to breed her.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Bonus Question: My male is considerably smaller than this female. If I try to breed them, and she has already re-absorbed the ovum, do I need to worry about her trying to eat him?