FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Mike Matson (Mikes Phat Frogs)
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Old 05-29-2016, 11:41 PM   #52
I was a pain and did not carry myself well at those times. Now, I am only commenting towards the OP or moderators when questions are asked. Maybe I'll avoid heated back and forth conversations that way and stay away from being banned. Along, with being somewhat more mature.

Most of my online business will go back towards the wholesale side and less retail. Especially, with my full line pet store opening up this fall. Minor issues are blown out of proportion on the online retail side where as the wholesale business is very relaxed and easy going.

Once again, I do appreciate Rich allowing me to post again.

This thread for now has been worked out and Mr Bump I feel will be pleased with the frogs he will receive shortly.

Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
This has been expressed in other threads; so I will address it once, here.
I'm fairly confident in saying that most people here don't remember why Mike Matson was banned in the first place. When that ban was lifted, it was done without any fanfare...and the account remained unused for some time. During a similar situation (a member relaying information), I pointed out that his account was active & and he could come speak for himself. What was not revealed (because it really isn't any of anybody's business) is that the infraction points were not removed from the account....and, in fairly short order, Mike's posts earned him the points to trigger another ban. To be honest, in other circumstances, it wouldn't have been enough points to trigger even a 3 day ban.
That said, it also bears mentioning that we do not ban people for business practices (unless they violate site rules in the process).
Also, occasionally people change. Just because somebody was a here five (or more) years ago doesn't mean they will always be a ; or that they can't become a solid, upstanding, member of a community. Years ago, a banned member could get his access restored in order to respond to a BOI thread - I like that option; and I agree with considering it on an individual basis.

When a banned member is given access, it is probationary; and there is little tolerance granted.