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Old 07-28-2016, 05:28 PM   #1
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
I'm not "blaming" her - not sure where you came up with that one. Though, if she had ever approached me with Lucille said... I sure wouldn't have offered her a pizza.
From your previous post these are the words that I took as laying blame for taking a day off to receive the mutually agreed upon and paid for shipment:

"The OP was not forced to accept that particular day for shipping, so the crying about taking the day off falls on (in my case) unsympathetic ears."

I apologize for misunderstanding your intent if those words were not meant to blame (or at the least hold solely accountable) the OP for her dismay in taking a day off to receive the shipment. It is not always easy to get intent from written text.