FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Mike @ Outback Reptiles
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Old 07-29-2016, 06:03 PM   #76
Well sure its labled an "info thread", but in all reality, posts here are never just that. That will either positively paint a person or company or negatively, there really isn't actually any inbetween. If a person comes here and sees this it is doubtful they will say to themselves "Okay, I saw that thread but I will not take it nto account when forming my own opinion about said company because it was labled "info"".

It just seems pointless, unless the desired effect was to hurt the seller. I'm in no way saying Mike and/or outback are perfect, no one is, but this particular situation had as good an ending as could be expected. It was a mistake that was handled the way it should have been, no one was robbed or lied to. But this post, regardless of what label it was given, is obviously a negative one towards Mike and Outback, when there isn't really just cause to give a negative response.