FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy SCAMMER!!! Jay Mcnight / Jason Ciconne/ Franklin Chams Chams/SCAMMER
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Old 08-18-2016, 12:08 PM   #54
Craig Wyatt
In the past 3/4 months I've sold well over 150 panthers. Various locals, sizes, and looks. I do not always take pictures of every animal I sell but I have prob more than 1000 Panther pictures. I can't be sure on the exact animals I sent. I really need to create a site and get more organized.
I'm not sure that I would have to go to his location to file a case. I can't imagine with all the thieves on the internet that you would have to always go to them. He stole from me here. But he also stole from me at his place to at the same time.
So I'm going to the court house next week and I'll know once and for all what I can and can't do for sure.
Hopefully ill have good news to share and hopefully it can inspire others that get and got scammed that they can do something. I refuse to let a scammer take my power. I have options that have brought to my attention but due to the nature I can not share a couple other avenues. I'd rather do this legally. But....