FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy SCAMMER!!! Jay Mcnight / Jason Ciconne/ Franklin Chams Chams/SCAMMER
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Old 08-18-2016, 12:40 PM   #58
Originally Posted by Craig Wyatt View Post
In the past 3/4 months I've sold well over 150 panthers. Various locals, sizes, and looks. I do not always take pictures of every animal I sell but I have prob more than 1000 Panther pictures. I can't be sure on the exact animals I sent.
Just so we're all on the same page here - you don't know specifically which animals you sent Jay. You have no images to confirm their condition...or, at the very least, you cannot say with certainty that any pictures you might come up with are of the animals you shipped.
Way to make a strong case.

That matter aside, I don't think anybody will argue that after filing the chargeback, he should be required to return the animals. As long as you've got signature confirmation that he received them, the credit card company SHOULD require their return or decline the chargeback...but, was the credit card finally used in his name? I recall seeing that it was "in his wife's name", but didn't read closely enough to understand if you stuck with & processed that card. If so, who filed the chargeback, Jay or Julia(?)?