FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - "BEARDED PETS" ... *Inquiry/BUYER BEWARE!!*
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Old 11-16-2004, 04:36 AM   #44
Originally posted by Bringerofdoom
because wendy, you as a scammer seen a opportunity to trade your dragon quickly to a kid. first mention of the dead beardie you basically screamed he was a kid he killed it with lack of knowledge. obviously no one else wanted it, thats why you would trade it for a leopard gecko.

also ill say this before and ill say it again, cause obviously language classes failed to work for you. 1 day after a 3 day gurantee, isnt saying much about your reptiles, nor you. are you too blind to realize this????

i have had better success with petco's lizards than what dan did with your "healthy, happy and orange" dragon. petco with their not to good repuatation with reptiles, gives 5x a longer gurantee than you gave him even.
I am not and have never sacmmed anyone out of anything, maybe you need some classes to know what that means......

A scammer takes somethign from soemone and gives nothing in return, runs hides and is not to be found

I offered and offered for Dan to send back the dragon and he did not and still has not, get a grip my man

The bringerofdoom has played out

Id raher talk to a petco rep than you at least they know a little about nothing and you know npthing about a little