FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A fun story, must see!
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Old 10-03-2016, 11:44 PM   #1
A fun story, must see!

So.. Hi all, if you don't recognize me I'm still fairly new here.
I live in a rural area, in a small rural community made up of a bunch of squares lots of property. I live on two acres, on a dirt road, and got on my fourwheeler to ride to a party a few streets away. As I'm cruising down the road I come across a tortoise. Not just any tortoise. A FIFTY POUND AFRICAN SPURRED TORTOISE. This Sulcata is freaking beautiful. I immediately took him home, worried that he was someone's pet that got out. I put messages in every mailbox for my area, and posted on the community Facebook that everyone in my little area is a part of. No one has claimed him. They said he's been around for awhile. So the case must be that he got too big and someone most likely came out here and dumped him. I was going to build him an enclosure, I was worried about him getting out by digging under my fence, but he hasn't tried yet and I've read online that sulcatas don't really try to dig under barriers, they they'll just pace barriers. I brought him home and he slept under my front deck the first night. He now roams my yard every day eating all the various grasses and weeds. He sleeps in my barn, in his burrow that he made under his big dog house. He comes when I hold up some alfalfa or a carrot. This guy was definitely someone's pet. I scratch his neck and he closes his eyes. He's just a sweetie! The night I brought him home, I came out with a Tupperware of water and he SLURPED it all down. I've since put out a water dish that he drinks from (he's a quick learner!) it is a male, and I need help naming this new family member. I cant wait to take him to the vet and get an accurate weight and maybe an age estimation! And of course, make sure he is healthy.


Here's a pic of him and my king shepherd. I've been calling him "roc dog"