FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - SFD (Snake Fungal Disease) General Discussion.
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Old 11-23-2016, 08:31 PM   #5
Originally Posted by bcr229 View Post
When doing some more research on this I found this Facebook group:
Carolina Snake Fungal Disease Project

Interesting stuff. If you search for "Oscar" and "2016-0016" you'll find info about him. He's an eastern black rat snake that had a case of SFD bad enough earlier this year they were considering euthanizing him. I've attached a before/after picture from one of the group's photos.
Thanks to this information I spent a great deal of time reading their posts, and I contacted them on the specifics of treatment if SFD is confirmed (or what they did for Oscar that has been successful so far).

Their recommendations are to soak the affected snake daily in chlorohexidine diluted in a warm bath, then to follow up with a vet to get immune building vitamins that can be injected into the snake's food. They used vitamins A, E, C, and B. They also injected vitamin B-Complex SQ into Oscar. The fungi apparently doesn't grow in temperatures above 98F, so it helps to keep the enclosure as dry and warm as is tolerated as the fungi thrives in moisture, and to wipe the snake off with a towel after soaks.

The above is choppily combined from several messages we exchanged, and I took some liberties with phrasing, but that is what they found helped Oscar to recover. I thought I'd add this for those who may wind up with a positive SFD diagnosis that want to begin some form of treatment for any captive snakes showing symptoms.