FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare
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Old 11-20-2004, 04:48 PM   #8
3 post and all on this thread... almost looks like someone asked him to come here and defend them

Matt, its nice you are happy with what you purchase, at what you paid.. that's what it should be about for you

But others are not, and got ripped off. They bought something, based on what they were told, including the experience of the breeder, lines, genetics, etc. They find out that is not so, the reptile is having problems and in a timely manner request a refund AS PER THE GUARANTEE... and are denied.

Someone is only as good as their word and in this industry that means a lot, when it is evident their word is no good or false, others should know about that and be warned so someone else does not get taken in by the same gimmick.

There is nothing wrong with being a breeder for only 2 years, but there is when you lie to people and claim it is 15 to make sales.

Nothing wrong with selling a dragon by any color phase you want to make up... you can call 'em Einstein dragons if you think they are so smart.... but there is when you misrepresent yourself as a developer over generations of a color phase or line... when in actually you bought it 2-3 years ago and just renamed it. Your stealing from the person who did work had to breed that line.

AND, baby dragons do stress when in new environments, but experienced breeder can lessen that problem with how they handle raising those dragons and prepping for shipping.... when some request a refund as per your policy for whatever reason, and you renege, then change the policy on your site to cover it up...... well, all the above have a name for someone like that