FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Curiosity about hots
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Old 12-31-2016, 05:03 PM   #9
I truly wish you well in your endeavors, Daniel. We need more good people working
with all kinds of snakes and educating the public, changing their fear to appreciation.
I think I read someplace that for every person harmed by a venomous bite, some
350 others were medically helped by venom, now used extensively in medical research
& the development of new drug therapies. It often helps to put things in perspective.

As far as what age group I was referring to, it depends more on maturity than a
specific number, so the typical range goes from teens to late-20's. Most of us feel
quite invincible in those years, but young men are more hormone & culturally-inspired
to make costly mistakes...it's the same reason that "Uncle Sam" wants to get their
hands on you in those years...before you "think too much" about self-preservation.