FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 01-17-2017, 02:00 AM   #548
Originally Posted by thomas davis View Post
its disgusting, run a raffle and do this to a winner of that raffle
either send her, her lizard or 3k and be done with this otherwise ty park you sir have no honor and all the good you've done for reptiles will be forever TAINTED with the stain of how you handled this raffle and this WINNER, as it should be.
YOU stated the terms, YOU announced the winners, YOU collected/dispersed thousands of dollars with this raffle, YOU need to make this right plain and simple. send her the lizard or 3k one or the other its real simple. its sad you apparently need a judge to tell you that.
because the raffle they (ty and the IRCF) had wasn't legal, he knows that the judge is most likely only going to be able to award me the 400 I paid for the tickets and 100 for filing here in mass anyway so I doubt he will man up and do what is right.

I may either ask that my Ma. Small claims be dismissed without prejudice (so I can reopen it at a later date )
And give the authorities more time to investigate it to see where that goes.

It's a shame that a loophole may let him off the hook. But pretending to be a lawyer made him stoop to a new low.