FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Thanksgiving: Make it Happen
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Old 11-24-2004, 03:56 PM   #1
Talking Thanksgiving: Make it Happen

OK, the Lonely Hearts Forum was created so people could mix and match and get to know each other. So far, it has been very popular and successful, with lots of interesting folks stopping by and lots of funny posts.

There are plenty of folks who need a special friend, and plenty of terrific,special people who stop by here. I suggest that you think of a person you have seen posting here and who you think is kinda interesting, and send them a special Thanksgiving email. That is sure to brighten their day, and who knows, maybe you will get mail back from them!

I want everyone on Fauna to have a safe, happy, warm Thanksgiving; and I would like everyone on Fauna to pick at least one other special person and make sure their Thanksgiving is a little brighter too......