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Thread: CBB Ambilobe
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Old 11-24-2004, 04:11 PM   #13
Chameleon Company
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I wish that I could say that, in my opinion, he might be full-blooded Ambilobe, but he is just too far off the mark. Tremendous color though.
As for the partnership issues, it is a term not to be used loosely. My company is a Florida Limited Liability Company (LLC), registered with the Secretary of State here, which is a small business structure which allows for member shareholders, and is run by a Managing Member (or Members), all in accordance with Florida Statutes and an Operating Agreement unique to our Company, along with other documents. This type of business structure is recognized, with minor differences, in all 50 states. If an entity were to buy a share in my company, they would be a shareholder, and I suppose could accurately call themselves a part owner. It would be a stretch though, as how would you consider someone who told you "my Daddy is a part owner of Microsoft", when in fact they owned a share. For the record, my brother and I are the Managing Members here, owning title to over 75% of the shares. Only he and I can legally speak for our Company, as we are the only officers of the Company. I don't believe that I am splitting hairs here, as wouldn't there seem to be some contradiction in someone saying "I'm a partner, but I can't speak for the Company"? Too often, the label "partner" is used when maybe "friend" would be more accurate. I am not responsible for the actions or business dealings of my friends, nor are they responsible for the same by me. For the record, I do not reveal who my shareholders are, but I am certain that while you may have spoken with those who may be entertaining thoughts of buying a share or two, they have not. I will say that I have no shareholders west of the Mississippi, so take all you hear with a grain of salt. But shareholders do not qualify as a partners. That said, my Company, under my guidance, has participated in breeding loans and collaborations with other entities out there. That also does not make them a partner in my Company .... only in that specific project.
I have had several very successful breeding collaborations with Dr. Alfonso. He is a good friend, and my herd veterinarian. He wrote extensively in the Journal of the Chameleon Information Network back in its day, and has provided an enormous amount of free veterinary advice in many arenas. He has produced many quality offspring, and has admirers within the chameleon community on several continents. I have no knowledge of his transactions with you, and is a matter for you to address with him. I appreciate somewhat that everyone wants to be my "partner", but unless you're an old high school flame that can still bring it, stay home !!
Thanks again for your kind words. I too do not like being caught up in the feuds of others. You have some quality animals, and I hope things go well with you and them. Best of the holidays also.

Jim Flaherty
The Chameleon Company