FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 02-10-2017, 02:52 PM   #649
Originally Posted by Casey Hulse View Post
Talk about pointless? That is the problem with people like you, everything is black and white. She was offered a tegu, she insisted on more info. she was given a deadline, she wanted more info, deadline passed, she wants more info. tegu gone, she wants more info.
Typically I agree that the bashing back and forth clouds the resolution more than helps HOWEVER, your outline above is very biased. What I see happening is Tyler created a contract by "accepting donations" on his behalf to a non profit organization. This contract was for a specific animal that would be produced by him, and also had a clause stating what would happen in the case this animal is not available. He then negated the contract, and feels that he gets to bully the other side into submission. He broke the contract, she had no obligation to accept alterations to the contract after her money was accepted. That's not how business works, and any successful business person, such as himself, would be well aware that the behavior that followed is unethical and inappropriate. He hoped that his minions would bully her in to submission, and I for one am thankful and impressed that it hasn't.

I am a big fan of playing devils advocate, however I don't see another way this could even be viewed. All the arguments are "She didn't accept what he offered so she is greedy", that's insanity. All she wants from him is for him to adhere to the contract as HE declared it, with contingency stipulations and all. He proved his word can't be trusted, Michelle has been upfront and very open with all the information requested of her. Again, not saying we should blindly grab pitch forks and go after Tyler... but I don't believe any of us are blindly coming to this conclusion. We did so with the information made available to us, and the fact Tyler has been shown to use bullying tactics and lie when it suits him doesn't make me want to stretch my imagination to a place where his logic would make sense, even if it could stretch that far.

Stay tough Michelle.