FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 02-10-2017, 11:51 PM   #684
Originally Posted by thomas davis View Post
the truly pathetic thing is this could/would go away so fast and ty could even come out smelling like a rose if he would simply apologize, BE A MAN, honor his word, and send this woman her prize either an albino tegu or 3K.
as it is he smells like fecal matter and no one with any integrity or decency can or will say otherwise as its such a BLATANT screwjob
never give up michelle spend a little and run an ad in his local newspaper explaining what he did to you. document everything and send it to everyone squeaky wheel his people, vacation in fla. and picket protest his farm tell everyone NEVER GIVE UP
After this much of a fiasco, he would not come out smelling like a rose. I don't know about anyone else, but even if he makes it right, his treatment of Michelle has said enough about his character that I would never purchase anything from him. He'd have to do a lot to make this right enough for me to even consider it.