FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 02-11-2017, 11:19 PM   #722
I agreed that he owes you an albino. Last sentence in the post was I hope you get it, you obviously won, its not even a question.

The part that you quoted from me is that objectively as seen from a court, they are interested in making you whole which would be the 400 or the equivalent animal. Maybe triple damages for the illegal raffle, like 1200. I just thought a solution would be to try to get one from this years clutch maybe. If the tegu isn't awarded to you I hope he has to pay everyone in the first raffle (possible triple damages as well) since they paid for the chance at a reward that was never given.

As for which albino was meant, I'm not sure how that would go. It would probably go towards the layman and their interpretation of albino in the raffle post. You may have a good case for the purple, I didn't even know about a purple tegu other than the blue/red mixes so I would have assumed just the blue albino. The subsequent text from Ty admits he owes you the albino blue so I just figured that is what is owed and he just chose to send the more expensive ones to the other winners but isn't obligated. Either way I 100% think you are owed an albino tegu produced by him even if he didn't say that in the raffle post because it is a reasonable assumption. He will probably try to argue that it wasn't specifically said his which was another point I made in the post.

From a pure business aspect I would have either just given the purple or worked out something for the next years clutches and of course I would not have ever mentioned an alternative dollar amount even in passing, but that is neither here nor there.

I unfortunately stand by the fact that you probably won't be getting the 3,000. It wasn't part of the raffle post, even if it is splitting hairs its a courts job to split the hairs and if it wasn't part of the raffle post it probably won't happen.

I'd like to clarify I don't know Ty Parks and I am not a follower, groupie, parrot and I read this post from beginning to end, tempers and emotions are hot and sometimes its hard to see the more rational side of the argument when you are in the middle of it. I just figured I could provide an outside view from an impartial bystander. I apologize for any indigestion that may have caused