FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Scammed by Andrew Michael Popp Las Vegas, NV
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Old 02-20-2017, 02:12 AM   #486
Originally Posted by filenamex5100 View Post
tlmoon....well said.
I think I said it before that this, for a lack of better evidence, is a case of buyers remorse. the het thing cant be proven until much later which means a judge likely wouldn't issue a judgment against a defendant.

on the other hand...all the defamation of the parties involved is plain as day and doesn't need to wait. the op just doesn't know how to vanish and stop talking. this thread will be around forever but at least the sooner its left alone, the sooner it can bury itself in the darker pages of the BOI (for the op's sake).

calebroad, you have a right to think what you want and do what you want. just don't be foolish enough to think the defense wont have a copy of this thread and the statements you have made within it. if they don't already, your lawsuit would likely have whats called a "discovery" period (I just successfully settled 2 lawsuits). that period is to gather additional info/evidence.

i would think at a minimum you will be counter sued after this is over. i could be wrong but i would think just because someone has a criminal past, you cant talk trash about them because you want your way and to sway someones judgment into your favor based on a criminal history. that doesn't seem right to me. people make mistakes. some live and learn, some don't. it still cant be used to determine someones ethic in all aspects of life. just my opinions of course. same for you....no matter what you will either live and learn from this or you wont but i would think you would want the opportunity to do business in the future without being reminded of the mistakes you've made in this thread.
There is an entertainment value of trolls, and I do enjoy the BOI.

I always insisted the description was false, the size was wrong, the satisfaction guarantee was not honored, the hets are false, and so on. And the turtles were posted six months earlier, as non hets, and the size was intentionally inflated, based on that post. Even after the scam unraveled, I was promised, in writing a refund.

However, with the het situation I have fully admitted that although I am sure, and I will know soon. I cannot prove that point 100%.

So that is not breaking news. It was a scam - and I was careless for sending the money so quickly. And I trusted Andrew Popp - which was a stupid thing to do.

As far as the defendants, they asked I give the hets time to prove out, before pursuing on. And that is something we are considering, as I recently posted. We are also exploring other avenues to confirm.

Nick stated he believed that I can possibly grow the turtles, quicker than I initially thought. So I am providing warm water and lots of food, and UV - the attorneys say I can amend the claim, as to provide more time, or dismiss without prejudice, then refile when that are proven as non-het.

Lots of options are on the table, lots of ppl say to avoid the BOI, for troll sake. But I honestly find entertainment in the BOI, as I do the hobby itself. But also in the mix of junk, I also find constructive criticism and information, of which has been relevant and useful.