FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Scammed by Andrew Michael Popp Las Vegas, NV
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Old 02-20-2017, 03:02 AM   #487
careless or not, you shouldn't be scammed if that's what actually happened. carless or not with your money. if you possess other evidence, that's great for you (honestly I'm too lazy nor have a vested interest to look back for it).
your claim/thread is so lengthy and confusing that the high paid wigs that may decide your case might have a clouded judgment (like I do). almost one of those "lets dismiss it because its so confusing". you just admitted that you cant prove the het situation. that to me is the brunt of your case. the size difference is another....which you admitted you could likely live with that. so I am wondering where the wrong doing is.

if you are not 100% sure, you are 0%. "fact" leaves ZERO room for possibility. the defense may argue that your method of measuring turtles is not the norm either. and I'm no genetics expert but het doesn't always prove out even if it really is het right?! maybe all your other evidence will pull through and show his intent to deceive and defraud you. just seems like a slippery slope.

I really only got re-involved because of the "troll" comments. you avoided, or forgot my question. do you agree that the post was antagonistic on your behalf? if not, why bring up the exact point that you claim to be avoiding at all cost? please don't label me a troll for asking a question ;-) . I'm not picking on you. just trying to figure you out and wondering why you cant leave this thread alone when it offers nothing of value in your current situation.
obviously, this is all my opinion.