FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Inquiry Billy Gangemi, Russian Tortoises, HELP!
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Old 02-22-2017, 08:37 PM   #67
Originally Posted by Chris Kennard View Post
Sorry I missed the correspondence between you and Billy where you asked the questions of him that you asked in the post I just referenced. And for what it's worth, you have not proven that you were not at fault here. I haven't seen anyone else who bought from that batch posting there inflated melodramatics laced with slander here. Your impatience with me doesn't concern me. Give it a rest? LOL! Give the melodramatics a rest.

I'm not trying to prove that I wasn't at fault!! I couldn't care less if you think I'm at fault. Truly, if someone could tell me what, specifically, I did wrong in order to cause this, I would be elated, because it would give me the information I need to make sure our sick girl makes it. This is why I posted the pic of the enclosure, and my impetus for reaching out to Billy at all. If he has other tortoises from the same batch, he has to know WHAT it is, and if he would just TELL me, I could treat it. But it seems that more people want to complain about me than to just say something like, "oh yeah, I had some wc tortoises one year that had respiratory infections and the problem was _______" or "have you tried doing _________?"

Also, I'm willing to bet that if others from that batch DID have issues, the owners would not know how to find Billy. We had to go through several channels to find him.

ps: melodrama is my specialty, what's yours?