FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Scammed by Andrew Michael Popp Las Vegas, NV
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Old 03-02-2017, 02:44 PM   #533
Originally Posted by calebroad View Post
Oh geez Lucille, you honestly could not do better than to repost the bout between Nick and myself from years ago? You must have failed socioeconomics miserable. You already posted that here? And everywhere else over the years.

How many time can you repost the same argument before even you and Chris gets tired of your own re-posts. At least if your going to struggle to hit me with something negative, don't keep reposting the same thing over and over, and over.

Get creative, think of something new Lucille, anything except your doing the same thing over and over.

Your not creative, and you simply say the same thing over and over again?

Lol - SMH
Certainly just trying to be constructive and keep things in perspective here, and not trying to stir the pot... but february 2016 isn't years ago...you're being rather dramatic. Whether you're a good guy or not, no matter your track history of good dealings and contacts, you've now proven in more than one instance that you appear to act like a child if something goes wrong, you over-react and choose to be aggressive and accusatory, and then accuae others of bullying. There is nothing wrong with cross posting to establish either good or bad character. Perhaps attempting to change your way of reacting to criticisms and even the "trolls" from being purposefully dismissive because people are calling things as they see them would serve you well.