FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The No-Insults Hybridization Debate
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Old 11-27-2004, 04:00 PM   #12
I had a discussion concerning hybrids with a kingsnake breeder. One of the points we discussed is that we are seeing a very small snapshot of a species evolution. We say that "X" does not breed with "Y" in nature, as if the current status of anything is more than a blink of the eye considering the timeline we are talking about (in this case the timeline being the existance of snakes on this planet).

"another thing is that in ALOT of hybrid they are sterile... why? i do not know but i can speculate why.. and it is they were not meant to breed in the first place."

So following this logic, a coupling that produces offspring that is not sterile would be acceptable as that means they were meant to be bred

I think the ethical question, falls on whether the breeder keeps accurate records and forwards that information to the new owner then they have fulfilled their ethical duty. A person isn't necessarily ethical because they're never put in a position to lie, their ethical because when it counts they do the right thing.

Why I would consider hybridization of offspring. To experiment and discover new things (mostly colors and patterns). Same reason people work with "morphs" in geckos, snakes, etc. The sense of accomplishment (the one that people realize whether they breed two different locales/subspecies together and get a new patter or that someone breeding two same locale/species animals and gets good coloring or healthy offspring) that goes with breeding reptiles. It may be human arrogance but we're all guilty of that to one level or another, as we put two snakes in a box and then "brag" about all our hard work breeding