FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 03-14-2017, 12:30 PM   #1145
Very well said

Originally Posted by yeloowtang View Post
Actually Lucile, I think he understands perfectly, he's just the type of person who will purposely twist and try to find any way possible to jab people with words said taken out of context, to either discredit what is said or simply to hear themselves argue.
to not understand the point you were making, one would have to dig deep or simply just not be smart enough. English isn't my first language and I got it right away. and it comes down to the same thing everywhere in posts Ty's minions participate in.. he can't be wrong because he is such a good guy and donates all the time, or Ty is too good, I don't need to read the proof.
even when they see proof that Ty lied, he lied at least a few times

1- when he then said I did produce albino, you will get one just like in the picture, Michelle asked where are the pics, he said I posted them. again playing games, he says a purple and a blue are both albino (true) but what are you referring to, purposely being vague again just to antagonize her more.
2-posted them today, she never saw them, he never posted them because he never had the blue ones.
while playing games with her and secretly decided to send her a t+, which one is the lie?? that he did get t- blue albino or when you said NO your not getting a T+ ?when he said I decided to keep them all and is now sending one or he decided to send the t+ that he told her at least twice NO you're not getting one.keeps playing games..
3- he lied about winning the case by showing bits and pieces of the letter. until someone pointe it out, then he changed his story
4- he lied to the guy on facebook who questioned him about exactly what Michelle said, when he said , I don't remember all of the conversation! I'd have to go back and look !!! he knows darn well what was said, he simply brushed her off and refused to answer a simple question WHAT WILL YOU BE SENDING ME.. she never refused to give her address like he keeps saying.
5- and when he's caught lying and people start to realise that he's wrong , well he blocks and deletes, before people can counter reply with proof.

what makes me the most about Ty's comments, is when he keeps saying Michelle will twist everything in her favor !!! how full of yourself can one be ??? the only one twisting words and stories here is TY, he disregarded his own raffle rules, he wanted to flip someone else's tegu, then he says I do have some , just like picture.. he keeps hanging on to the fact he asked her twice for her address but leaves out the part where he refuses to tell her what it is she will get, it goes on and on we all know the facts..
all of my contacts on this side of the border have seen it now and have passed it along too, not a single person agrees with TY.

bottom line is TY 's an ###