FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 04-25-2017, 08:14 AM   #1480
Red face

Originally Posted by caffeinecynic View Post
That's kind of the source of why everyone involved thinks Ty is in the wrong. You've just hit the nail on the head.

- He posted a picture of a blue albino tegu
- Admits, several times, he did not produce any blue albinos
- When asked, says he'll send one like in the photo [blue albino] that he produced

Michelle went on to ask for him to share where he produced blue albinos. Giving her benefit of doubt, I'm assuming she asked this because she (like many people reading this) became confused - one minute he said he did not produce them, then says he did. Then he says he's going to send her an albino tegu 'like the one in the photo' - but he didn't produce one like in the photo...

It gets confusing very quickly. I believe, based on Michelle's dire insistence that she wanted a Ty Park-produced Tegu, that had he simply said "I didn't produce any blues, but I have a purple I will send you", she would have accepted.

The thing is, in Ty's one post here, he outright admitted he didn't communicate that through to her to the letter, and Michelle was more discerning in what she was getting than many others would be. I don't think she's in the wrong for being discerning, or at least wanting to know for sure 100% what she's receiving.
Also, let's not forget that, prior to this, Ty had flat out stated "No" when OP asked if Ty would send her a Purple Albino (due to no blues having been produced, and only purples were, according to Ty). Since Ty was adamant about not sending a purple, to the OP, (since, in Ty's words, the Purple was valued at $2000, or $2500, more than a blue) the OP would have had no reason to think a purple was going to be sent if he did not communicate that to her.
