FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Venomous Snake Keepers in PA
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Old 04-25-2017, 01:07 PM   #1
Venomous Snake Keepers in PA

Hows it going everyone? I am looking for someone in the NEPA area that has experience in keeping hots. I have 10 years experience with keeping large constrictors and have caught Eastern Timber Rattlesnakes but have never kept them or handled them in closed quarters (handle= using tools). I would like to meet somebody who wouldnt mind showing me the proper techniques used to hook, tong, feed, clean, transport, tube, and anything else you think I should know. I want to walk into this assuming I know nothing at all. Depending on how close you may be to me, I wouldnt mind helping with basic chores such as scooping poop, until you are comfortable showing or letting me help you with more. If you wouldnt mind teaching me a few things please let me know!