FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Nick Lillis
Thread: Bad Guy Nick Lillis
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Old 06-12-2017, 06:03 PM   #120
Chris Kennard
Originally Posted by Switzer Reptiles Inc. View Post
This post is about those 2 Corucia that arrived in poor condition... I am wondering why this post is continuing? Ann has apologized for blowing up and name calling. It is clear those animals were not in good condition when shipped out. This is my opinion based on the pics and am not sure why these attacks are continuing. Anyway, I have a new clutch of Australian Water Dragon eggs I have to go dig up and put in incubator. Based on the pics posted of those 2 Corucia that were received, I would not buy from Nick.... just my opinion. No other reason than that.... period. Thank you for listening and have a great day!
I can answer that! Your "post" is about two Corucia. This thread is about two people who want to further reputation in the reptile community to line their pockets. I personally missed the apology for that sociopathic, bipolar rant. I'll look for it. As far as you "wondering" why this thread continues? It's because a fibber called someone else a fibber. It would have been a shut case had the OP had clean hands.