FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Snare99 - Frog Depot - Sick Dragons & Scams
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Old 09-01-2017, 12:22 PM   #4
She is making her own post, all I can state is my involvement and what I was told. Either way, he sent me two photos of the same dragon... one which is has been edited to make the color contrast much much brighter. He also text me this morning, as shown, telling me the dragon was alive and well not knowing I already knew the Dragon was dead. He also posted that I was a scammer and when I posted proof turned off is reviews, where he had several others claiming he had sold sick animals. He also had commented that he had no idea what this was all in reference to and didn't sell her the dragon, but now has removed that post and is posting admitting he did and sharing emails. It's ridiculous. Either way, he photoshops images and lies.