FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy BAD EXPERIENCE: Kicks Balls / Fred Kick / Kick Brothers / Reptile Addicts / Pets Plus
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Old 09-23-2017, 09:23 PM   #13
Johns Orange Dragons
We're here to warn the public that Fred Kick is selling sick animals. In our decades of experience, 95% of the pets we've purchased never needed to be quarantined in their own enclosure or brought to a vet and most of them have lived for 12-15 years. And the ones that didn't make it in the beginning was because the seller sold us a sick animal. We have brought the sick ones to "reptile" vets before here on Long Island (Monaco, Hoefer, Freilicher, Rose Brothers, etc.), regardless of what stage their illness was at and they were ALL unsuccessful in saving them every time, so we're not a fan of vets. In fact try this experiment: Go to a reptile show and ask all the consumers if they first quarantine their new pets in a completely separate enclosure and/or bring them to a vet and you'll find that the majority does not and their pets have lived a healthy long time. We realize this web site is full of perfectionists, so we couldn't really care less about your opinions. Good luck buying a pet from Kicks Balls and let us know if it lives!