FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Help as soon as possible is my snake sick??
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Old 11-12-2017, 09:34 PM   #17
One thing that can help screen lids with keeping in humidity would be to put some plastic wrap over all or most of it. I have seen people cover the whole thing, but I usually only do about 80% myself. It will also help to get a hygrometer if you don't have one already.

Another option at your disposal is to make a humid hide with a tupperware to put in the enclosure. Cut a hole in the side she can enter through, toss in some sphagnum moss (available at most pet stores), and mist it every few days. Other mosses would work, too. That way, she will have the option to enter her humid spot when she is in shed or feels she needs some moisture.

Another thing that helped my girl out when I had her in a tank was to use a nice big water bowl she can submerge in. I use a ceramic dog bowl, usually filled about halfway.