FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Very Skinny Giant Day Gecko
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Old 03-08-2018, 05:09 PM   #11
Sorry about the long delay in response. My little cousin has been going thru a rough one. But anyways. Sad Sally is now Sad Sal! She was a he, and was being bullied by Fat Albert. She is starting to gain weight. Sorry, HE is now starting to gain weight, you can no longer see his ribs. The parasite testing all came back negative!! WOOHOO!! Sal is loving his own bachelor pad, and loves life and food!!

However Damien has rescued another couple of Day Geckos, two females, very healthy. Buuuuuut one was a woman, the other a man, and 2 days after the rescue, D has eggs! He has since separated them, (Yes they are properly quarantined from the rest of his animals). So it looks like yours truly, will be having a couple Day Gecko babies, pretty soon! One for each of the kids rooms I guess. I will be on here asking for your advice, so please bare with me!!

I will post updated pics of Sad Sal when they come thru. Thank you all for helping out my little cousin! He greatly appreciates it!