FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - It's the Real Thing
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Old 12-22-2004, 12:26 AM   #6
Yeah, it takes a lot of work. My two year relationship just ended, and it was because neither one of us where putting in enough time or effort. We both worked different hours and days, we would always say "lets go to the movies on ________" and then it wouldn't happen......... I would have to work or she would................... I used to buy her little presents all the time, but that eventually stopped (new-ness wore off?)............ I would also meet new people (other girls) and become slightley interested in them, of course I would never cheat........ But things just changed. It sucks now, because after being broken up you see everything that was wrong, but its too late to fix it.......... It really is a bummer.
