FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Living Gems Breeding Plans 2018
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Old 07-25-2018, 12:55 AM   #5
Breeding Profile Group 02 (Red/Orange)

Welcome to Profile 02 of 09 for Living Gems’ 2018 breeding season. Our second group pairs Ericthonius with Pyrope and Rock Crystal in search of high reds and oranges.

Ericthonius, an October 2010 male from a high red lineage, is one of the friendliest rainbows in our collection. He entered our breeding program late because he was a slow grower (he was one of the last litters from the lineage he came from, and I think the successive years of back-to-back breeding affected those babies’ growth). Here he is as of November 2015 (shyly hiding his head):

As of his pre-breeding weigh-in, Ericthonius measured 1587 grams.

Almandine was an incredible reddish orange female we lost during the move, and with her mate Scarface produced about 10-20% red and 80-90% orange babies, all high quality. Fortunately she was survived by two daughters, one of them a strong red holdback. This snake, Pyrope, a gorgeous July 2013 female, took her mother’s place in our lineup, and will hopefully give us a more even mix (or better!) of red and orange babies. Here she is as of January 2016:

As of her pre-breeding weigh-in, Pyrope measured 2433 grams.

Rock Crystal is a new light-colored LGR breeder we have been raising up for several years. Born in July 2012, last year marked her breeding debut. She looked gravid, but we never saw any babies, so we kept her with her mate for another year. Here’s to hoping Eric can work his magic. Here she is as of July 2015:

As of her pre-breeding weigh-in, Rock Crystal measured 2212 grams.

If you like what you see, and want first dibs at any babies, you can sign up for the LGR Wait List here <http://statictab.com/w5cjpkc>.

As always, thank you for reading.