FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - It's the Real Thing
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Old 12-24-2004, 04:03 PM   #7
that sucks dude...

I'm enjoying an unanticipated X-mas alone, too. I just broke up w/ my gf. It was relatively short term, come to find out...I'm "the other guy" in a marital love affair, and I didn't know. What a sucky soap opera. It's amazing sometimes how things present themselves and the truth surfaces......kind of like my court room here on the BOI.

I guess I can't blamer her for wanting to lie to her husband to be with me. Afterall, she is only human. She had "all this" in front of her....she probably did what any normal woman wants to do (sigh):-D ROFLMAO

I haven't ever been married, but I am more than qualified to take the poll. All of the above should be an option.
