FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - It's the Real Thing
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Old 12-25-2004, 01:16 AM   #9
I think that "commitment" and "focus" need to be thrown in there with "work", as those specifics are every bit as important. Just as in growing a reptile business (just to use something that many of us here can relate to), there are days (weeks?) when you just don't feel like giving any more time or money, but you think about the long term and you do what you've committed to do. LTR's are bound to go through those times when you wonder if it's worth it....but if the commitment is still there, those times usually pass and you realize why that person was so important to you as a partner in the first place.

One other thing that I've noticed is how people in a relationship can stop showing general courtesy to one another. If a perfect stranger holds a door for you, you most likely make it a point to say "thanks" and give them a big smile...if your partner makes that same polite gesture, do you acknowledge it and say "thanks", or just expect it?