FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
Thread: Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL
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Old 11-29-2018, 10:27 AM   #5
Michelle Cutler
you already said you did not produce any and that you only produced purples....... so how would i know now you aren't just going to get one from the other breeder??? and pass it off as one of yours? you said the other breeders are the same quality as yours would have been. so why would you have said you didn't produce any. then say you were going to get one for me from another breeder. instead of just telling the truth and honoring your promise. this is shady and if i had known this was going to be shady and scammy i prob wouldn't have bought tix for the albino/blue
These are Michelle's own words from post #12 in this thread.

I've bolded part that I'm addressing. I am not saying that she was wrong. I am saying that in a conflict, it is better to try to ascertain more information before you start referring to the seller as shady and scammy.

This whole comment, in and of itself, was unnecessarily defensive. Note that she was not wrong, but it could have been handled with a lot more tact. Please reread the conversation.

I said early in the thread, and I will say it again: I believe this specific statement to be the turning point when Ty decided he was not going to even try to work with Michelle. He was wrong. I have never said he wasn't. However, had she instead asked this question as something like, "If you didn't produce a blue albino, may I ask what kind of albino you will be sending me?", we might have seen an entirely different output to this scenario. It may never have gone to court.

I'm not disputing Ty did her wrong. I'm pointing out that there were some things Michelle did in her actions that she could have handled better.

I get it. She was upset. She's human.
It happens.

That doesn't change that that statement, whether it turned out correct or not, could very well have been the difference between her getting the tegu she wanted all along, or this long legal battle. Hindsight is 20/20, but now that it is all settled and done with, I think it is important to consider going forward.

I am also not disputing how Michelle behaved after Ty refused to send her the lizard. Go after the guy. He deserved every bit of it and more. My point is not about that. It is about the events leading up to that.