FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Chris Davis
Thread: Info Chris Davis
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Old 12-28-2018, 06:09 PM   #37
Originally Posted by Turtle 77541 View Post
Please post the details of this clause in your 2015 contract regarding sending back albino red ear #5. That clause was for in the contract in case of a scenario that you had a complete loss of ability to send me two caramel pinks.

I agreed to you terms in August 2018 to send me two caramels. After this agreement you added the requirement that I will send you my ID it receive nothing. At that point I told you that you can deal with me through the BOI.

You are claiming that my acceptance of some terms in August 2018 (that you later sabotaged by tacking on new demands) gives you clearance to invoke a clause that only pertains to you not physically having any caramel breeding stock due to a catastrophic loss on your end.
Okay, so you admit that you did accept the terms of our new agreement. Therefore, you have saved me the time of posting the screenshots.

I had made you a very nice offer in August of 2018. And the turtles were yours. It was a done deal, then you strayed away from that offer. And lets please also not forget the multiple cash included offers that I made you, and we agreed to, but then you changed your mind.

Now, I have made you more promising offers, of which none have been accepted. But now Lucille comes careening in here sideways like a big fat wrecking ball, and blindsides us all. I believe you are trying in good faith Jason, to rectify this situation. And I have every intention to make you feel whole. And I have every opportunity and ability to make you whole. And I do not deny that I owe you.

But if the giant wrecking ball is swinging around, it wont help, I assure you. There is no amount of trying to humiliate me, degrade me, or demonize me, that will be effective.

If there is anything to take away from Lucille posting any past inquires, it shows, that I have never, and will never back down from her wrecking ball style. I can simply post the screenshots, I will turn off all notifications, and you can sit here and read Lucille, the wrecking balls insults all night. Go ahead, your call.

You want to enter into fresh negotiations, or you want to have a date night with Lucille, the big fat wrecking ball?