FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Chris Davis
Thread: Info Chris Davis
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Old 12-28-2018, 06:53 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Akiranar View Post
Called it. Figured he would find a way to double speak and worm his way out of posting concrete proof like he always does.
Here are the last four screenshots, I think they are posted correctly. He did accept the deal. Also, while others call me names, I have received an infraction for "name calling".

I have more than proved my cause, and also I have made repeated good faith attempt after good faith attempt to resolve this. But as I originally stated. No remedy is good enough, and I simply cannot resolve this. However, I am very satisfied and happy with the effort I applied in trying. In August the deal was done and agreed, I had no idea Jason did or did not like one or two of the obligations I required. I had no opportunity to resolve it.

If the roles were reversed, I would have accepted the first offers, but I would have definitely accepted the sweeter offers that followed the first offers of which I rejected, but then, I would have most certainly accepted todays offers, of which followed an avalanche of other offers that I had rejected or gone back on. But the roles are not reversed, and I cannot make sense of another persons decision making.

This is my final post on this Inquire. I failed to resolve the matter at hand, and I apologize. I can try very hard, but in the end, I am only a guy that tried hard, but failed. So that is that, and I am disabling notifications, and will not return. I am surprised that all my old and current offers where refused, in exchange for this. But they were refused, and that, is that. Wishing everyone the very best. - Chris Davis
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