FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Joe Schmidt/Chad Fuchs and Cryptosporidium!
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Old 01-01-2019, 07:43 AM   #14
Crypto is one reason I quit vending or even attending shows ten years ago. People handling WC water turtles, then snakes with maybe a Dollar store hand sanitizer being used which doesnt do a thing for crypto, leaves people wide open for taking something home along with their new animals and going through something like you went through.

A lot people dont know that only ammonia, heat and peroxide work on crypto and go about disinfecting with bleach or Clorhexidine after a loss and think they're in the clear.

I'm not sure how long crypto can remain in your room ... did your vet mention anything about that ? Very sorry to hear you went through this. I knew someone who experienced it about 20 years ago with some tri-colors but wasn't nearly as bad as what happened to you.

And to make it worse, there are no treatments for it , unless they've come up with something I'm not aware of. With the volume of wheeling and dealing going on along with easy as shipping is, I'll bet it's bouncing around more than ever.

Best of luck with your remaining animals .... hope this nightmare is finally over for you.