FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Let's Talk Pits...
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Old 01-03-2005, 03:01 PM   #36
Hey Billy! Pines are doing great, Ive been able to get them to eat now. I dont think they like to eat in front of me any more, I dont know why. I placed them in a bucket and they did the same thing they did while off-feed: hissed at the mouse and ran from it. The male followed the mouse without interest, his tounge even hit the mouse a few times, yet he still slithered right past it and when he touched the mouse, he freaked out. I left them both alone for 10 minues and upon return mice were killed but not yet eaten. These were small hoppers, small enough to where they didnt create a bulge, so its not prey size. Im wondering if the undertank is working, the female was pretty cold when I pulled her out.