FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - An American Response to Censorship
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Old 03-23-2019, 05:15 PM   #22
Originally Posted by Socratic Monologue View Post
Unfortunately, here is one example of how a good guy (girl) with a gun couldn't stop a bad guy with a gun, one year later:


Sometimes the monster gets inside your child's head, and then all the deterrence in the world won't help. What a horrible waste.

I fail to see your point. She didn't have a gun, now did she? And why is that, do you suppose? Do you think things might have turned out differently had she had one on her at that time?

As quoted in that article:

But her mother, Cara, told CBS Miami that her daughter was struggling with her college classes because classrooms now scared her.
Emphasis added.

"Classrooms now scared her." Why is that, do you suppose? Why would she feel any less scared any where else?

Could if possibly be that the "gun free zones" foisted on students have now made them the equivalent of being fish in a barrel for whacked out shooters? Shooters who have known all along that it was highly unlikely they would face any substantial resistance or defense against them? And these kids KNOW it?

I'm glad I don't have kids. Were they school age, I would have to make other arrangements rather than to expose them to being defenseless targets mandated by law.