FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare
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Old 01-05-2005, 03:36 AM   #128
(Warning: Don't bash me you Biotchs for just stepp'n in! I was invited by the initiator's girl who found me in another forum. I have spent several hours reading every line of text in the past 20 some pages, so...)

Hello all,

I don't know what to think. I purchased from Terri two weeks before Christmas and paid $650 for one of her adult female leucitic dragons. After shipping I was out $700.00+. She (Beth) arrived, alive, but black; not the snow white of her picture as posted on Terri's web site. Exhibit A (for you legal types out there):

I can't say that I'm totally displeased but I have had issues with the dragon herself. She is not white now. She is tan at best. She did not eat on her own until yesterday. I have had to force feed her veggies which made her pissed and turn even darker.

Now, I know that dragons will stress out and not perform, color wise, after a big move (like flying 3000 miles in winter). I understand that if a dragon is stressed they will not eat, play or do the things we expect healthy, happy dragons to do! So, now that I have the heat to where she likes it and have implimented the steps suggested by Terri to help Beth acclimate, my initial fear for her "well being" has subsided.

I am concerned, however, for all of us old and new to Fire and Ice that such poor customer service was given to he who initiated this string. I'm even more concerned that Terri has not yet replied to this amassment of frustration with all the prompting. Is she not aware the court grows impatient? I assume she is too busy or maybe presents in life with a touch of untreated OCD or ADHD.

Please, Terri no offense. I'm not bashing you I just understand these people!

Terri has, however, replied to all but one or two of my emails I have sent and has tried to help me in every way possible to assure the health of my dragon.
My experience with her has been more positive than negative. Yet, I did not ask for a refund either.

I don't think it is fair for some of you to cut her off just because a few individuals have issues with the product or the service. (However, Terri the allegations are serious! Customer service and guarantees and # 1 in the consumer’s eyes and not to honor these will devastate your business... Can you see what people are saying?) Back to my point...

My concern is that I paid a huge amount of money for a dragon that has had a slow start, is not yet performing and may continue to be troublesome for some time. I feel ripped off. Yet, I can blame no one but myself and I even had pictures.

I feel that if I continue to get service from her and she makes good with me I will not create a ripple for her. This issue of customer service is another story. Business owners and operators need to be held accountable for their product, service and public policy regardless their personal or fiduciary situation and never should that be placed upon the consumer!

Overall I have had a good experience with Fire and Ice. In retrospect, I also feel ripped off. Terri needs to come forth and defend herself however difficult that may be. It will win my respect and prevent an inevitable tsunami which will flood the minds of all consumers who find this discussion.