FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy bad guy Francisco /MOC Reptiles
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Old 05-07-2019, 06:58 PM   #9
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
Sorry, no. You alleged mouth gaping and mucus on arrival. One doesn't need experience to realize these (alleged) symptoms are not normal.

So it appears that you did think it was abnormal but instead of going to a vet you asked around and someone told you the above. And so you sat on the problem for two weeks while it worsened.

You are saying that this poor lizard steadily became worse and all you did was consult your buddies and when it finally got really sick and you finally took it in you expect your seller to pony up money? I think if you cared about the health of this critter you would have taken it in at the first (alleged) mouth gape and mucous on arrival.

Anyone reading this wouldn’t think you’re being neutral. It’s obvious you’re taking his side. I’m going to assume friends of some sort. No, these symptoms when he first came were to the extremity of where I’d be super worried. It was mouth gaping but had clear eyes at the time and seemed active. I figured the mouth gaping was because he was in his basking spot of 115 so I figured he was cooling off like beardies often do. There was slight mucus in his mouth whenever he’d open his mouth, but it wasn’t super bubbly upfront. At that point my friend who works at LLL stated it could be an R.I. but I was in denial and didn’t want to believe that the animal I just received was sick. I wait on it for a few days. Again days, not weeks. Leaving it alone and to adapt to its new enclosure that was all brand new since it’s suggested you do that to prevent stress. I still obviously fed and watered him but after a good week is when I started noticing his mouth’s tip was looking funky. He stopped replying 4 days after I received the dragon, before I was even starting to really worry. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I didn’t start getting upset with him until the vet confirmed all of the above issues. He didn’t reply until after I had already been treating him.

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