FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy bad guy Francisco /MOC Reptiles
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Old 05-07-2019, 08:39 PM   #19
I just wanted him to be happy somehow because even I am sure is his fault, I understand it is frustrating to pay for an expensive animal, and then he gets sick.
I offered him a female frilled for a ridiculously cheap price. Aussie female frilled are worth around 1.5k, and sell immediately.
That discount is way more than the vet bill. But I was not going to pay that bill. Paying that means accepting it was our fault... so I would rather offer this guy an animal at a wholsale price (where I don’t loose or gain, and he gets an animal worth way more, for a very good price). And he takes this as an opportunity to add it to the list of things to blame me about. It was very stupid from me to make him such a great offer, under every circumstance. Lesson learnt

Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
Unless there is more proof than has been shown here, I would not think you owed anything and I understand it must be upsetting to be blamed.
I was really impressed by your customer service referred to in the OP's first post of a discounted price on another animal. Even though the OP does not appear to want that, I thought it was so nice of you to put your own feelings aside and make such an offer.